Reading update

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Even though I’m still somewhat reluctant to write up blog posts after spending a lot of my time at the computer for uni, I hope to get back to posting more regularly again this month. But I have been reading, so I thought I’d just post a quick update to let you know I’m still alive.

I’m currently reading:

Herland (Charlotte Perkins Gilman)

I downloaded the e-book so that I could read it in time for the Feminist Classics Project, but of course it didn’t work since I still can’t read from the computer screen long. A friend of mine lend it of me though, so now I can at least enjoy reading it.

Alton Locke (Charles Kingsley)

This is for a class on industrial novels and the beginnings of this genre are quite interesting. Also, I thought it was only fair that after spending so much time researching and writing about the middle and upper classes in the 19th century, to look at the conditions of the working class as well.

The Man in the Queue (Josephine Tey)

The obligatory mystery, the premise is interesting and it’s set in London and it’s cosy! 🙂 This one is also a read for the Vintage Mystery Challenge.

I recently finished reading:

Ann Veronica (H.G. Wells)

I had really only known Wells’ sci-fi works, so it was interesting to read this very different book about female emancipation.

The Body Artist (Don DeLillo)

After four years of being repeatedly confronted with DeLillo’s works, I have finally found that one book which I actually enjoyed (and not only intellectually appreciated).

I recently acquired:

Cassandra (Florence Nightingale)

The books available on bookmooch are amazing!

Palastine (Joe Sacco)

When Will there be Good News (Kate Atkinson)

I just can’t resist the Brodie series and Atkinson’s writing.

20 thoughts on “Reading update

  1. I’ve never heard of Ann Veronica. It sounds fantastic though. And I think I’ve fallen in love with Kate Atkinson. I could not put down ‘Case Histories’ during my holiday. I wanted to stay in and finish reading my book! I must get more of her other titles out.

    I have to say, you read super super fast!

    1. I stumbled over a reference to Wells’ ‘other’ works and had to see what his non sci-fi is like. Ann Veronica is very interesting, hope you enjoy it!

      Happy to hear you loved Case Histories, it’s such a fantastic book. And have fun with the rest of the Brodie series 🙂

      Haha, I think my reading pace is fairly normal, but I go through obsessive reading phases and I also read on my daily commute, so it may seem like fast reading.

  2. Wonderful to see you back, Bina 🙂 I didn’t know that Charles Kingsley wrote an ‘industrial’ novel. I thought ‘The Water Babies’ was his only book 🙂 I have Don Delilo’s ‘Underworld’ in my bookshelf, but have never got around to reading it. I bought this during a crazy time when I was adding ‘chunksters’ to my collection (I got ‘War and Peace’ and ‘The Pickwick Papers’ also at the same time) and now it is lying on my shelf. It is interesting to know that H.G.Wells has written a book on female emancipation. I didn’t know that! You got Joe Sacco’s ‘Palestine’ on Book Mooch? Really?? Wow!

    Enjoy reading your new acquisitions 🙂

    1. Thanks Vishy, I really didn’t mean to disappear like that!

      Yup, Kingsley was part of the social reform movement, but I only learend about that in class, so don’t feel bad 😉

      I’ve only read the prologue to Underworld, which you can spend at least a week dissecting for all the themes and ideas DeLillo put into it, so I think it’s a very chunky chunkster. Hope all these books are not one the same shelf, or else it will probably break soon ;D

      Nope sorry, Palestine I had to order from amazon for uni. Would have been amazing to find it on bookmooch, but I think graphic novels are often too heavy to ship for a reasonable price.

      1. I loved your comment – “Hope all these books are not one the same shelf” 🙂 I was at the bookstore a few days back and I was thinking maybe I will buy a Dickens novel which is slim. I looked around and discovered that every book of his was around 700-800 pages! Yes, every book! I was thinking – ‘What is it with Dickens? Doesn’t this guy write anything which is of readable size?’ 🙂 (Of course there is ‘A Christmas Carol’, but I have already read that.)

        I can’t wait to read your thoughts on ‘Palestine’. It is a book I want to read too. Joe Sacco is an awesome graphic novelist.

        1. Heh, typical for Dickens! Though I have Hard Times, and it’s that overly long 🙂

          I’ve read ch. 1 of Palastine, very interesting so far, though I still have to get used to his still, it’s a bit cartoony sometimes.

    1. So far I’m both appalled and intrigued, but I’m sure everyone’s already said everything there is about it and much better than I could.

  3. Wonderful selection Bina. Look forward to hear about your Atkinson read! Are you buried under that pile of books? 🙂

    1. Haha, I wish! And you’re the one with the endless book piles 😉 I hope I’ll enjoy the thrid Brodie book as much as the other ones, Atkinson is fantastic! Have you read Case Histories?

  4. Hmmm. I read a Josephine Tey book about a million years ago. That’s the only connection I can come up with regarding your wonderful acquisitions, isn’t that pathetic? I like how you said ‘uni’ instead of the American way of University, and I hear the British term ‘lippie’ for lipstick. So fun, to speak the same language but have our own twists.

    I’m currently reading The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan to my class, they love it, and I’ll finally have something for the read-a-myth challenge! I need to brush up on my mythology something fierce!

    1. Which one did you read? And did you enjoy it?

      Heh, I’m just lazy and don’t want to type -versity 😉 And Uni is the shortening we use in Germany as well, it’s just pronounced a bit differently. Lippie! I hadn’t heard that one before 🙂

      I want to try the Riordon as well, hope you and your class are enjoying it! I still haven’t read any books for the challenge myself, it’s very embarassing!

  5. I have had trouble finding a Josephine Tey at my library — I’m trying to finish the Golden Girls for the Vintage Mystery Challenge myself. With summer break upon me, I can finally get back to the Read-A-Myth Challenge. I’m looking forward to The Penelopiad! Nice to see you back!

    1. Thanks Col! I’m hoping to be a better blogfer this month.

      Oh I hope you find a Tey mystery, I don’t think my library has other books by her either. What else are you reading for the vintage challenge?

      As embarassing as it is to admit, I have yet to read a book for my own challenge! Hope you enjoy the Penelopiad!

  6. I’ve read quite a few DeLillo books all of which I only “appreciated intellectually”. They weren’t particularly entertaining or engrossing. Just not for me, I suppose.

    1. Not for me either, I thought. But I found The Body Artist engaging, perhaps because I’m interested in trauma theory. But I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t muster warm enthusiasm for his works 😉

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