Thoughts: Gabi, A Girl in Pieces #HHM


Gabi has a lot on her plate. It’s her last year of high school but apart from classes and college applications, she also has to deal with a father who is fighting a losing battle with meth addiction, her friend Cindy getting pregnant (as a result of date rape, we learn later), her other best friend Sebastian coming out, as well as exploring her own sexuality and first relationships.

Isabel Quintero’s first novel Gabi, A Girl in Pieces, published by CincoPuntoPress, is a tour-de-force. The good thing about being blissfully ignorant about new releases and a lot of hype before joining twitter is that I mostly missed all the excitement and picked up this book only now because I vaguely remembered someone saying it was good and it being LatinX Heritage Month. So I got to skirt the overblown expectations trap, yay, but am totally doing this to you now with this review. #sorrynotsorry

If you’re into intersectional feminism (you better be!), then this book will make you want to get out your highlighters. Let me quote this section, which everyone else is apparently also quoting (google told me, but still thanks for the easy c&p)):

My mother named me Gabriella, after my grandmother who, coincidentally, didn’t want to meet me when I was born because my mother was unmarried, and therefore living in sin. My mom has told me the story many, many, MANY, times of how, when she confessed to my grandmother that she was pregnant with me, her mother beat her. BEAT HER! She was twenty-five. That story is the basis of my sexual education and has reiterated why it’s important to wait until you’re married to give it up. So now, every time I go out with a guy, my mom says, “Ojos abiertos, piernas cerradas.” Eyes open, legs closed. That’s as far as the birds and the bees talk has gone. And I don’t mind it. I don’t necessarily agree with that whole wait until you’re married crap, though. I mean, this is America and the 21st century; not Mexico one hundred years ago. But, of course, I can’t tell my mom that because she will think I’m bad. Or worse: trying to be White.

This excerpt really concisely introduces all the issues Quintero adresses in the novel and also drives home the point that Gabi lives at a very specific intersection of gender, race and ethnicity. So the novel explores one culture’s version of the double-standard, that of patriarchal machismo Mexican-American dichotomy of the virgen/puta. And Gabi has to realize that many women in her community have internalized this toxicity and police other women’s behavior and expression of sexuality (as they tend to, don’t get me started on this issue), her mother among them:

“for my mother, a woman’s whole value is what’s between her legs. And once a man has access to that, she has no more value.”

Part of this patriarchal view is also the refusal to accept homosexuality and Gabi’s friend Sebastian is thrown out by his parents when he comes out. On the other side of the coin we have the boys will be boys mentality, about which Gabi writes a scathing poem.

Gabi is furthermore not marked Mexican-American by her skin color, instead she is so light-skinned she can pass as white but as a result has to deal with feeling alienated at times. Since I basically have the opposite problem, this was an interesting change in perspective.

The book also shows Gabi’s acceptance when it comes to her body and she moves from regarding herself as a “fatgirl” to acceptance. There’s a terrible lack of “fativism” in books and hopefully this will change in coming years, but it’s another reason why I hope Gabi will be read and taught widely, so these young women will see themselves represented too.

I also loved was watching Gabi coming into her own as a poet, apart from the diary style of the novel, we also get to read Gabi’s poetry and her attempts at spoken word. Poetry is how Gabi finds a way to express and empower herself. Her words are sharp and to the point and you’ll want to pick up a poetry collection immediately after finishing this book (I’ll be gushing about one particular, exciting collection later this week, stay tuned!).

The language use is wonderfully done as well, I’m glad there’s no glossary and hardly any translations. Quintero makes me work for it and I gladly got out my rusty Spanish for beginners knowledge, and between knowing other romance language and guessing from context…no excuses people! I’m sure LatinX will love this book and the intermingling of English and Spanish…Spanglish? And us other readers do well to remember to work on our privilege.

It’s amazing that this is a first novel. It’s a book that will be taught in high schools and colleges everywhere!

Other thoughts:

Reading the End

Twinja Book Reviews

Life of a Female Bibliophile

Have you reviewed this book? Let me know and I’ll add a link!

19 thoughts on “Thoughts: Gabi, A Girl in Pieces #HHM

  1. This sounds terrific. And I love the diary-style. Such a great way to really sink into a character (especially when she’s a writer/poet)!

  2. It sounds like there are lots of reasons to read this book. I love the last line of that quote – it really struck me. Great review!

  3. HOORAY (Jenny screamed) oh I am so glad you liked this book. I obviously super loved it, and I was so grateful to wonderful Aarti for recommending it. Gabi’s voice was just fantastic, and I loved seeing her grow into her feminism. Ugh I just loved so many things about it, I need to ask for a copy for Christmas.

  4. Fantastic review, Bina! I miss your writing when you take breaks. ❤
    As I told you on Twitter, I attended a panel at a book festival where Isabel Quintero participated. She confirmed that much of the story for this book was influenced by her life, as if often the case for debut novels. She also mentioned how she decided not to italicize Spanish words and her choice not to include a glossary. Her publisher was all for it, of course!
    I can't wait to read this book. You really got me excited now. 😀

  5. I hate the cover for this book so much. I mean, it makes sense in the context of the novel (which I did read), but man alive, that thing is hideous.

  6. Brilliant review, Bina! I really do admire your choice of books and this is just further proof that you choose well. It does sound like a great read.

  7. The first quote in your review blew me away. There is so much there, so many layers.

    A fantastic review as always! I cannot wait to read this book – your description about the intersectional feminism in this book makes me want to put down everything and start reading now. I got my highlighters 🙂

  8. This one has been on my TBR for a while. Hopefully, it’ll come down to Oz someday. I love stories and poetry that mix two languages. I find it interesting when I can recognise Spanish phrases due to the integration of some Spanish into Filipino due to historical influences.

    1. Thank you!! I definitely need to explore this publisher’s catalogue more😊 Not yet, but Naz is reading it this month I think.

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