Top Ten Tuesday: My Fall TBR


Fall, my favorite season!! So far it’s been unusually warm and sunny over here, I’d love a few degrees less but hey at least it’s dry, that never happens! Fall is when I start buying IKEA candles in bulk and get out all the quilts and spicy teas. My typical fall reading is either cozy or suspenseful lit and with the Diverse Detective Fiction Month starting this weekend, I know I’ll be reading a lot of mysteries. I’ve posted a bit already about what horror lit I want to read and what’s on this week’s list, but anyway here are 10 reads that would make an ideal fall tbr for me:


1. Affinity by Sarah Waters gr-pic

One of my favorites to reread, it’s got Victorian England, lesbians, séance and is wonderfully atmospheric and twisty.


2.Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova gr-pic

Latinx fantasy including brujas, monsters, LGBTQ, and kick ass women of color! Reading it for Diverse SFF Book Club.


3.Blanche On the Lam by Barbara Neely gr-pic

One of my choices for #DiverseDetectives and I cannot wait! A smart middle-aged Black woman housekeeper turned sleuth? Hell yes!

linda ddison

4.How to Recognize A Demon Has Become Your Friend by Linda Addison gr-pic

Always creepy, sometimes funny, horror prose and poetry! There is not enough silly and funny horror, I need more!


5.The Agüero Sisters by Cristina Garcia gr-pic

I loved Garcia’s Dreaming in Cuban and this one is supposed to boast some Latina gothic elements. How to resist!?

due-soul to keep

6.My Soul To Keep by Tananarive Due gr-pic

No fall list is complete without some of Due’s fiction. It’s time to start her African Immortals series, it’s got Ethiopia, vampires and (im)mortality!


7.Horror Noire: Blacks in American Horror Films From the 1890s to the Present by Robin R. Means Coleman gr-pic

And some good old non-fiction, how could I possibly resist the intersection of horror and race!? It’s an exploration of the visual representation of Black social history and possible spaces for challenging and subverting stereotypes.


8.Monstress by Marjorie M. Liu gr-pic

A complex heroine, fantastic art and steampunk horror, I’m in! Everyone’s been gushing about this one, so now I only need to get my hands on a copy.


9.Haiti Noir edited by Edwidge Danticat gr-pic

Noir lit and Haitian culture all in one! I’ve read a few in this anthology and have been meaning to get back to it for a while.


10.Tropical Gothic in Literature and Culture: The Americas by Justin D. Edwards and Sandra Guardini eds. gr-pic

More non-fiction cause I feel the need to expand on my gothic lit knowledge and Southern gothic is a gateway to “tropical” gothic! 🙂

Now let me know which books have made it onto your fall tbr!

41 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Fall TBR

    1. Haha there’s a few not so scary ones!….I think 😁 Hope ur brother Likes them. Looking forward to Labyrinth! I have the audiobook!

  1. I have Monstress with me today to read on my break! And I need to read Labrynth Lost, too. Waiting in my library pile at home are (among others) The Treasure of Maria Mamoun by Chalfoun and Zahrah the Windseeker by Nnedi Okorafor.

    1. Oooh Hope you enjoyed Monstress! I just started Labyrinth Lost on audiobook. Yay for Okorafor! I haven’t read Zarah yet, hope you’ll be able to recommend it😃 Happy fall reading!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Heh always, especially women of color writers!💜✊ Yeah Monstress is a graphic novel. Oh yay hope you’ll enjoy Labyrinth Lost, I just started the audiobook.

  2. Yay, I’ve read two of these books! Labyrinth Lost was such a fun read. Los Lagos is awesome.
    And Monstress was fantastic. It’s quite dark, though, so be warned, Bina.

    I like the sound of Linda Addison’s book. Horror with some humor? I like both of those things!
    I don’t know what books are on my fall TBR, 😦 I can never commit to a set list. I buy new books too frequently to adhere to any kind of list. lol

    1. Haha I know it well, as soon as I write sth down I end up reading other books🙈 But hopefully I’ll read some of these!

      Just started Labyrinth Lost on audiobook, really liking it so far! Will keep that in mind, hope I can find a copy of Monstress somewhere.

      Really liked Addison’s books, it was so different! The mix of poetry and short story was great, it’s quite gory at times tho!

  3. Blanche on the Lam sounds like fun – I’ll be curious to hear more about that one! You’ve also made Affinity wound irresistible. I still have’t read anything by her.
    As for my own Fall reading, I think it will mostly be taken up with Giller Prize books. Anything beyond that will be bonus! 🙂

    1. Ooh have toread up on your Giller Prize reading, hope you found some new greats!😃
      I can’t wait to read Blanche, I have a feeling I’ll love it!
      I really like Affinity, hope you’ll get to Waters at some point, she’s fantastic!

    1. Yay hope it’ll be your turn with Monstress soon! I just started Labyrinth Lost on audiobook and am really liking it so far! Happy fall reading!😃

  4. You have really great list of books here – I particularly like the sound of Affinity by Sarah Waters; as I have been meaning to give more of her books a go. I have also made a TTT Autumn TBR list full of mysterious and gothic books 🙂

    1. Thanks, Jessica! Oh yay need to stop by for inspiration, can never have too much Fall reading😃 I really enjoyed Affinity, hope you will too! Happy fall reading!

  5. What a great list! I love Sarah Waters, so I need to add Affinity to my TBR. And I have never heard of Tropical Gothic. Thank you for introducing me to that sub-genre. I wonder if Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea is considered a part of the genre? If not, I think it could be! Now, I’m off to find more Tropical gothic stories to read.

    1. Yay definitely read Affinity, I really enjoyed it! I know right, I didn’t know it was a thing either! Wide Sargasso Sea could definitely be considered tropic gothic, I hope you find many more!😃

  6. Affinity is my favourite of Sarah Waters so far (she is a MustReadEverything author for me, but i haven’t yet read The Paying Guests): I love it. And I really liked Blanche on the Lam and have yet to follow-up with the next two books in the series. #DiverseDetectives sounds great. I’ll check my shelves, but I’m betting this would require shopping (not necessarily a bad thing, actually quite a good one!) Enjoy your choices! (And I didn’t know that Garcia novel has gothic elements: I’ll nudge that one up the list!)

    1. Yay I love her works too and really enjoyed Affinity! My favorite of her’s Is The Night Watch😳
      Glad to hear you loved Blanche, I have a feeling I will too! So happy there are more Blanche books if I love book 1. Haha always happy to give bookworms the excuse to buy new books!😂
      Right!? I had no idea, but can’t wait to explore Garcia’s gothic use.

  7. Aw man, My Soul to Keep sounds reeeeally good. I just read Due’s book The Good House, and it was hella creepy and it didn’t even have Ethiopia in it! Okay. Adding that one to my list. My totally manageable list. :p

    1. Yayyy🙌 Loved The Good House, too, and whoa I was scared to go to sleep afterwards🙈 I’ll be reading My Soul to Keep, too, cause I just cannot resist Due. Heh has your pile toppled yet?

  8. Monstress!!! 😀 Can’t wait to see what you think of it. Naz was so excited when he was done. I’d like to read Labryinth Lost as well but I’m not sure because this month looks like it will be a weird one so I’m not sure when I’ll make it to the library.
    🙂 I feel like making a TBR now. I always try not to do it because I never read the books but they’re such fun.

    1. Yay Monstress! I need to get my hands in a copy somehow, stupid library doesn’t have it😭
      Just started Labyrinth Lost on audiobook, really good so far!Hope you can get to the library soon!!Haha they do look nice checked out and on the shelf too😁

  9. What a great mix! I confess I wasn’t able to resist buying several new books during the month of September and I already had a good stack of TBR so now I’ve made it harder on myself to commit to what I’m really going to read next! I love that your “fall reading is either cozy or suspenseful lit.” What elements does a “cozy” book have for you, Bina?

    1. Haha hope you enjoy your new books, Leslie!😃 Oh yes it’s so hard to commit to a reading list, let’s see which of these books I actually manage to read.
      Ooh well cozy books in general are ones that are very atmospheric, love a great setting too. Books to read cuddled up with hot tea and cookies😳 Happy fall reading, will you read cozy books too?

  10. Wonderful list, Bina! I want to read the Barbara Neely and the Tananarive Due! And the Sarah Waters 🙂

    1. Thanks, Vishy! I really enjoyed Affinity and have Blanche next up on my tbr, can’t wait! Due is wonderful, definitely try her works. Happy fall reading,Vishy😃

  11. Great TBR. I am excited for Diverse Detectives! By the way, the cover of How to Recognize A Demon Has Become Your Friend is AMAZING! And I now need to get it 🙂

    1. Yay hope you’ll enjoy your diverse detective read!😃 Heh that is an excellent cover, isn’t it! It’s on Scribd, so if you have access or do the free trial you can read it there!

    1. It does sound excellent, doesn’t it! I love Due’s works, so can’t wait to get around to it. Hope you’ll enjoy reading this one and your other fall reads!😃

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